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Field Day Service Project for PAW Kids:A School-Wide Initiative

In celebration of our Year of Service, ACA has partnered with PAW Kids to provide snack bags this summer for families across metro Atlanta facing food insecurity. Upper School families
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Mr. Stone Named Upper School Teacher of the Year

Mr. Stone, ACA’s middle school history teacher, has been named this year’s Upper School Teacher of the Year. His selection was propelled by an overwhelming response from our community. He received
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Mrs. Lamb Named Lower School Teacher of the Year

This year’s Lower School Teacher of the Year award winner is first-grade teacher Mrs. Lamb. Mrs. Lamb is a pillar of love and strength, widely admired by her students, their
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Mrs. Moore Joins College Advising Team

Mrs. Moore works with the upper school as our College Writing Advisor. With a masters in religion and literature from Yale Divinity School and a Master of Fine Arts in
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The 8th Grade Report and Meeting: A Cherished Tradition at ACA

On any given spring-semester morning in the resource room, you are likely to find 7th and 8th grade teachers discussing the perfect epithet for an 8th grade student. This marks
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February Freeze: A Community Success

In February, Atlanta Classical’s administration and health services team invited students and families to participate in the first annual February Freeze challenge to limit social media and technology use as
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Fine Arts

Field Day Service Project for PAW Kids:A School-Wide Initiative

In celebration of our Year of Service, ACA has partnered with PAW Kids to provide snack bags this summer for families across metro Atlanta facing food insecurity. Upper School families
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Mr. Stone Named Upper School Teacher of the Year

Mr. Stone, ACA’s middle school history teacher, has been named this year’s Upper School Teacher of the Year. His selection was propelled by an overwhelming response from our community. He received
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Mrs. Lamb Named Lower School Teacher of the Year

This year’s Lower School Teacher of the Year award winner is first-grade teacher Mrs. Lamb. Mrs. Lamb is a pillar of love and strength, widely admired by her students, their
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Mrs. Moore Joins College Advising Team

Mrs. Moore works with the upper school as our College Writing Advisor. With a masters in religion and literature from Yale Divinity School and a Master of Fine Arts in
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The 8th Grade Report and Meeting: A Cherished Tradition at ACA

On any given spring-semester morning in the resource room, you are likely to find 7th and 8th grade teachers discussing the perfect epithet for an 8th grade student. This marks
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February Freeze: A Community Success

In February, Atlanta Classical’s administration and health services team invited students and families to participate in the first annual February Freeze challenge to limit social media and technology use as
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