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A K-12 public charter school serving residents of the City of Atlanta.

The application for 2024-2025 enrollment lottery is open

A Classical Education for Modern Times

Every parent wants to prepare his or her children to thrive in the 21st century, and some may think today’s world requires a new approach. Atlanta Classical Academy’s position is that technology has changed, but human nature has not. Still, the highest approach is to train the minds and strengthen the hearts of our children, and to imbue them with the knowledge and virtue necessary for building happy lives full of meaning and purpose. We do this through a rigorous, classical, great-books curriculum in a K-12, small-school environment where every student is known. In this inspiring work, we invite you to join us.


Our mission is to develop students in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.

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Our nation’s K-12 schools bear a formidable responsibility rarely acknowledged in today’s public discourse. As E.D. Hirsch points out, “school is the traditional place for acculturating children into our national life.”

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Through training and competition, athletics provides a vehicle by which to teach student-athletes to develop virtues of courage and perseverance.

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The Fine Arts program at Atlanta Classical Academy provides students with an opportunity to explore, develop and be challenged in their pursuit to “learn the true, do the good, and love the beautiful.”

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“Schools celebrate the work of teaching students to think critically for themselves, but we should not forget to consider what students are studying. To what ideas are graduates applying their newfound skills of analysis? What questions do they ask? Most importantly, what do they love? At Atlanta Classical, hearts and minds are trained together and we seek to order a student’s affections toward what is worthy of contemplation: truth, goodness, and beauty.”

Mr. Josh Andrew, Head of School

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News & Events

What’s New?

Field Day Service Project for PAW Kids:A School-Wide Initiative

In celebration of our Year of Service, ACA has partnered with PAW Kids to provide snack bags this summer for families across metro Atlanta facing food insecurity. Upper School families
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Mr. Stone Named Upper School Teacher of the Year

Mr. Stone, ACA’s middle school history teacher, has been named this year’s Upper School Teacher of the Year. His selection was propelled by an overwhelming response from our community. He received
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Mrs. Lamb Named Lower School Teacher of the Year

This year’s Lower School Teacher of the Year award winner is first-grade teacher Mrs. Lamb. Mrs. Lamb is a pillar of love and strength, widely admired by her students, their
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interested in enrollment?

The enrollment lottery for the 2024-2025 school year took place in March. Parents may submit an enrollment application to be added to the waitlist.


Courage, Courtesy, Honesty, Humility, Perseverance,
Self-Government, Service