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Academic Resources Director and College Counseling

Mrs. Meyer holds a Bachelor of Science in International Business from the University of South Carolina and a Master of Education in Higher Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. While at USC, she was a McNair Scholar and a tour guide. She fell in love with talking about the transformative power of education. She brought that love to Atlanta, where she became an Assistant Director of Admission at Georgia Tech. She read thousands of applications, started a successful student ambassador group, and served on the committee that chose the recipients of GT’s top scholarship each year. Since starting her career at GT, she’s built up a decade of experience that has focused on the transition from high school to college–as a Director of College Counseling at a nearby independent school, a consultant to many university admission & financial aid offices, and as an independent college counselor. Her focus has always been on understanding students as individuals and helping them thrive in their academic environments. 

Mrs. Meyer lives on the Westside with her husband and two children, Poppy (who will be in Kindergarten next year) and Gordon (3 years old). She enjoys trying Atlanta’s best restaurants and cheering for the many teams she supports (but most of all, the Gamecocks).

The mission of Atlanta Classical Academy is to develop graduates in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes the principles of virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.