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Registrar / Systems Information Specialist

Ms. Holley holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from West Virginia University, a master’s degree in Business Administration from Wake Forest University, and master’s degree in Software Engineering from West Virginia University.  After college she worked in the corporate world for 30+ years developing software and managing training initiatives.  Upon her exit from the corporate world, she became a teacher at a private high school in Baltimore, where she developed and taught a four-year computer science curriculum. 

Ms. Holley arrived at ACA in the fall of 2018, where during her first three years at ACA she taught Geometry and AP Computer Science courses.  This year she is excited to be starting a new role at ACA as Registrar/Systems Information Specialist while still overseeing AP CS curriculum as independent study courses.

The mission of Atlanta Classical Academy is to develop graduates in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes the principles of virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.