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ESOL Teacher

Mrs. Dennison has served as the lead bilingual speech-language pathologist for Atlanta Public Schools for students with dual language backgrounds since 2018. She has also served as an ESOL teacher for ACA for lower and middle school. Before working in schools, she served as a bilingual speech pathologist in outpatient pediatric clinics and hospitals, primarily working with children from bilingual language backgrounds. She has her master’s degree from the University of Houston and her undergraduate degree at Auburn University with a minor in Spanish.  She completed her minor in Spanish at Colegio Mayor Centro Universitario Marista in Salamanca, Spain. Mrs. Dennison is a native of Atlanta and a devoted wife and mother of three children. 

The mission of Atlanta Classical Academy is to develop graduates in mind and character through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes the principles of virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.